ARMPIT HAIR REVOLUTION: Dyeing Your Armpits Bright Colors Is New Beauty Trends

Women from different countries are now posting images of their newly-dyed hair on the photo-sharing site Instagram, using the hashtag #dyedpits

A unique new beauty trend is encouraging women to grow out their underarm hair and dye it with a bright, bold color.

ARMPIT HAIR REVOLUTION: Dyeing Your Armpits Bright Colors Is New Beauty Trends

ARMPIT HAIR REVOLUTION: Dyeing Your Armpits Bright Colors Is New Beauty Trends

ARMPIT HAIR REVOLUTION: Dyeing Your Armpits Bright Colors Is New Beauty Trends © IG

Hair stylist Roxie Hunt, who works at popular Seattle salon Vain, is one of the people who started with the armpit hair revolution and insists that women should embrace their underarm hair - rather than feeling forced to shave it off or hide it.

ARMPIT HAIR REVOLUTION: Dyeing Your Armpits Bright Colors Is New Beauty Trends

ARMPIT HAIR REVOLUTION: Dyeing Your Armpits Bright Colors Is New Beauty Trends © IG

When asked some of these women why they’re embracing the new armpit hair revolution, this is what they had to say:

It’s part of our social constructs that women have to be hairless and that’s just one of the many beauty standards that are enforced from a very young age.

‘I don’t know if it’s because I’m Latina or what, but I have a lot of hair. And it’s thick hair and it’s dark. I have hair on my toes and on my boobs, I have a happy trail…

‘It’s a toxic idea that hair is ugly. You need to force yourself to not to think that.

‘[Growing out your hair] is so empowering. As a young girl, you are always told, hairless is beauty, it’s perfection. But when you go against the grain like that… it’s so empowering. I really recommend you try it.’

We support freedom of creative expression here. So what do you think about this new beauty trend?

News source: DailyMail
